Online Work

My online portfolio can be found at and The below sections reflect my work published in print magazines.


I have written several features for EatingWell special editions on topics such as the effect of diet on brain health, shopping strategies, and essential nutrients for healthy living. I have a passion for educating audiences on sustainable, science-backed dietary health.

Health and Wellness

In addition to editing health-based content, I have written about wellness and science for brands such as TIME, Shape, and Real Simple. Topics include the relationship between stress and immune health, sustainable sleep habits, and mindfulness.

Popular Culture

For TIME and the Los Angeles Times special editions, I have written about the portrayal of addiction in fiction, as well as pop culture phenomena Mickey Mouse and, my favorite, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Human Interest

I have written a variety of human interest content for brands such as TIME and the Los Angeles Times special editions. These stories range from uplifting collections of inspiring figures to providing a different way of looking at tasks to a call to action to save the bees.


I have written articles for PawPrint’s special editions on topics such as a dog’s capacity for empathy and the language of cat meows. Here are three examples from this subject.